Tax On Net Assets Treated/Considered as an Income
As a follow-up to the Tax Amnesty Law and Tax Amnesty program rolled out by the Indonesian Central Government, on September 11, 2017, the President of Indonesia issued Government Regulation (PP) No. 36 Year 2017 regarding income tax on net assets treated or considered as an income. This regulation provides guidelines on what types of net asset is treated or considered as taxable income, determination of when the net asset is subject to the income tax, and the applicable tax rates for different types of taxpayers.
Please find attached the summary of key points regulated in PP No. 36 Year 2017 for your reference. Should you have any questions or would like to discuss further on how this regulation may personally impact your personal or business taxes, please do not hesitate to contact our office or the associate in-charge of your account.
Read more :
TaxAlert.04.2017 – PP 36 Tahun 2017 ENG
TaxAlert.04.2017 – PP 36 Tahun 2017 IND
Attachment :
PP 36.2017 – Harta Bersih yang Diperlakukan sbg Penghasilan