Koperasi Kasih Indonesia

Salaki & Salaki is honored to announce that we have been a proud supporter of the works of Koperasi KASIH Indonesia (KKI). KASIH Indonesia (KKI) is a social business providing financial services to the poor, unbankable people, so they could achieve a prosperous life. KKI chose Cilincing as its first location. Cilincing is one of Jakarta’s poorest sub-district with approximately 19,000 poor households, majority of which go to loan shark when needing a loan and charged with 300-360% of interest per year.

KKI goes to the extra mile in helping poor people by providing not only loan and savings facility but also education and other supports. KKI has seen that education could improve the sustainability and magnify the impact brought by the loan.

To find out more about KKI and to see how you also can support, please visit